The COVID-19 pandemic continues to remind us that a strong public health infrastructure that is trauma-informed and equitable, and is crucial to address healing and rebuilding at the local, regional and national level. The Delaware Academy of Medicine/Delaware Public Health Association (Academy/DPHA), Maryland Public Health Association (MdPHA), and Pennsylvania Public Health Association (PPHA), are bringing together regional experts, and that includes you! Abstracts are being accepted on Climate Change and Trauma, Trauma in Children/Adverse Childhood Events, and Individuals Living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Abstracts may be delivered in oral or poster presentation formats.

Student posters will be automatically enrolled in a student poster competition; the winner will be eligible for a free 2-year membership to their local APHA affiliate and win a $250 gift card.

Abstract and Poster Sessions will be held on Thursday, January 13th.

Submit an Abstract
